Hello commuters (and other Honor students reading the blog)!
I am excited to let everyone know that the first commuter program of the semester will be on
Tuesday, February 10th from 4-6 p.m in McKenny Tower Room!
This event is special because it is a collaboration between two programs in Honors, commuter and mentoring! It's a good and easy way for any of you who are in the mentoring program to have your required time with your mentor/mentee while having fun and eating pizza! Even if you are not in the mentoring program, you can find out more about it or just spend some time with fellow Honors students having friendly competition!
We will have pizza and pop available and a wide variety of games for everybody to play such as Clue, Sorry and Apples to Apples and card games such as Euchre, Uno, etc!
If you are interested, please RSVP here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/pizzacardsgames
I hope to see you all there and in the mean time, let me know if you have any requests for this event!