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Home away from home

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Pizza, Cards & Games!

Hello commuters (and other Honor students reading the blog)!

I am excited to let everyone know that the first commuter program of the semester will be on 
           Tuesday, February 10th from 4-6 p.m in McKenny Tower Room!

This event is special because it is a collaboration between two programs in Honors, commuter and mentoring! It's a good and easy way for any of you who are in the mentoring program to have your required time with your mentor/mentee while having fun and eating pizza! Even if you are not in the mentoring program, you can find out more about it or just spend some time with fellow Honors students having friendly competition!

We will have pizza and pop available and a wide variety of games for everybody to play such as Clue, Sorry and Apples to Apples and card games such as Euchre, Uno, etc!

If you are interested, please RSVP here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/pizzacardsgames

I hope to see you all there and in the mean time, let me know if you have any requests for this event!


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

New year, new me?

In case you didn’t know, it’s January (as if the snow wasn’t hint enough) and that means that it is the first month of a new year. With a new year comes the whole idea of the “new year, new me” philosophy that many adopt with new year resolutions!

realistic-new-years-resolutions-2014-14.jpgNow many people have different views on the subject, as you can see from these memes the internet is not always a positive place for those who decide to try something new this year!

However, I personally think that these resolutions can be the first step to a new habit or a real change in your life. It has a lot to do with committing to something and not just doing it because you feel like you should or everyone else is. A lot of people have been wanting to make changes and this gives them one more reason to finally take the plunge. It doesn’t have to be drastic, it can even be something small!

For example, I’ve been wanting to start going to the gym on a regular basis and I know that is one of the stereotypical resolutions. The deals around this time of year and after the holidays full of eating, I finally got a membership. Now I know my life isn’t going to magically change over night and no I didn’t become a brand new person but with dedication it might change in some ways.

I’d be one to say that it’s never wrong to set goals, but be realistic and ready to commit so that way you don’t end up disappointing yourself. Make others involved with you to enjoy it more and reward yourself for planning ahead and sticking to it!

Here is to a good start to 2015 in all ways!

What are your thoughts about new years resolutions? Did you make any for 2015? Comment below!

P.S We will be sending out a survey for nontraditional student input as well as a collaborative event between the mentor program and the commuter program, keep your eyes open!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hello winter semester!

I hope everyone had a nice and relaxing break! Post a comment about how your break was or what you did!

Monday  was the first day of classes and of course that means that Michigan would start it's wintery mix again! No snow over break where I live but of course the first day I have to make a commute, here it is! Christmas Eve was 50 degrees and now it is less than zero, but I still love Michigan!

I was still able to get to campus in only a hour and show up the first day of my classes since last winter semester I wasn't so lucky. How has your commute been going so far?

On a positive note, the Honors staff is working hard on planning some events for this semester like a lock-in and more coffee hours! Which means that the commuter program (with a focus on non-traditional students) will shortly be back in full swing. Keep checking the calendar as events get added: http://www.emich.edu/honors/honors_calendar/index.php

Enjoy your first week of classes and feel free to make suggestions about what our first commuter event should be this semester!


P.S Just remember that the snow, ice and cold could always be worse!

P.S.S This hasn't actually happened...