Hello fellow Honors Students!
The time has finally come! The last couple days of regular classes and the start of Finals! This can be a very hectic time and don't forget to relax! If you're looking for a place to study or hangout, please join us here in The Honors College (511 W. Forest Ave) today through Wednesday all day!
We will have snacks, a quiet place to study or places to collaborate! Feel free to just stop by in between studying/class or stay for a while!
I just wanted to thank everyone who came to the first ever Honors College Formal on Saturday night with DJ Daniel Long, karaoke, dancing, food, and RockBand! It was so much fun and something we hope to continue in the future!
If you came to the dance, what was your favorite part? Comment below. Mine was definitely when Janine went to do karaoke!
Check out some highlights!
Good luck on all of your finals! Thank you for taking the time to read or look at any of these blog posts! If you haven't already, please fill out this survey to provide us with valuable feedback for this program: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PF7QQ68
Comment below if you have any really awesome Summer plans! I'll be going on a study abroad trip in June!