Home away from home

Home away from home

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Hello all!

My name is Kaylee Brown, and I am a student fellow at the Honors College. This is also my second year of commuting to EMU.  My position as a student fellow is to address the needs and concerns of honors commuter students to help them feel more a part of this community and give more avenues to get involved. This fall, the Honors College is launching a new Commuter Program that will entail events and activities to help increase involvement of commuter students. The success of this new program is in part based on your help and the feedback that you give us. I will do my best to represent the commuter population within the Honors College by providing opportunities that best fit your needs.

What’s the blog for?! I’m glad you asked! This is one of the many ways we hope to stay in touch as well as to hear your thoughts and ideas! This is a very new concept and in the initial survey we sent out, several of you suggested that this would be a great way to chat with fellow students and find information. With the varying schedules, it’s sometimes hard to have consistent communication, but we are hoping with this blog you can participate at your leisure.

This is my first time using a blog so bear with me, I hope to share things on this blog like traffic updates, construction, best places to park, etc. As well as to vent and discuss being a commuter and hopefully open a thread for non-traditional students. The main point of this is to network and let you know when our events are and what you can do to get involved!

Any suggestions or ideas are much appreciated so feel free to email me at kbrow107@emich.edu
Be sure to watch your email as we are currently planning the upcoming events!



  1. I can't wait, I am so excited for the Fall-themed event.. I love apple cider :)

  2. I'm excited to meet other Honors commuters!
