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Home away from home

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Halfway There! Halloween, Registration, & Other Fall Updates!

Hello fellow Honors students,

I hope you have been doing well and enjoying all that Fall has to offer in our beautiful state of Michigan. I really love the color of the trees this time of year, especially on campus!

I mean look at this photo I took last year at the Student Center:

If fall colors are your thing, I know they're mine, take a look at this handy visual:

Moving on, Honors has a ton of really exciting things coming up in the next few weeks as we wrap up October and welcome November into our lives.

1st: THIS THURSDAY aka TOMORROW, October 27th from 6-9 p.m. is our Fall Celebration here at The Honors College (511 W. Forest Ave). We will have some of your favorite fall activities including pumpkins, cider, donuts, etc! This is a great opportunity for mentors and mentees to spend time together and possibly win a costume contest or pumpkin painting prize! (Painted pumpkins will be donated to The Gilbert Residence!)

Here are some really cool pumpkin ideas to get you thinking for Thursday!

2nd: Registration is coming up! Honors students can register for Winter 2017 classes starting at 8 a.m. (59 credits +) on Tuesday, November 1st! If you still need to make an advising appointment with us, please visit our website or check your email. 

3rd: Honors Yoga! We are having our next monthly session on Thursday, November 3rd from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at The Honors College!

There is so much to do on campus and off this Fall and I hope you get a chance to enjoy it all!

Soar Higher,
