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Home away from home

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Things to look forward to after break!

Happy Wednesday Honors students!

I am so ready for break and it is almost here! Yay! However, like every other break it will go by super fast but luckily we have some really awesome things planned for March!

Mark your calendars for these events the first week we get back!

1) I hope that some of you got the chance to enjoy our very first free Yoga session held in the new Honors building last week, it was something we were really looking forward to doing! I wish I could have been there cause I am loving my 1 credit hour yoga class in the REC this semester! Here are a few pictures from our first session:

Back by popular demand, we will be having another one this semester on Friday, March 4th from 10:00-11:00 AM! RSVP here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7XF2S2Y

2) To celebrate Women's History Month:
On Thursday, March 3rd from 4:00-5:30 PM in the Honors College Auditorium we will be having a Panel Discussion hosted by TRIOTA titled Inspiring Women in History! Dr. Sipe, along with Officer Candace Dorsey, Dr. Yvette Colon and Janine Driver will be speaking!

  • This event is LBC credit approved!!
  • Also I would like to invite you all to come and bring donations for SafeHouse!
    • For those of you who don't know, SafeHouse Center is a non-profit that provides support for victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault that is local!
    • Here is a link to the items they are looking for, anything helps! If you bring any of these items, we will be taking the items there! Please consider donating to a really great organization! 
      • They REALLY need new unused silverware sets, women's bras and underwear and Size 4, 5, and 6 diapers!

      As always, Soar Higher - Kaylee

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Break Already?!?

Hello fellow Honors Commuters (and anyone else reading the blog)!

Can you believe it's already February? If you're like me and have a color coded planner, you will be glad to see that it's a short month! Winter Break is already coming up- I love having something to look forward to like this! Yes, that's right. No classes the week of February 22nd - February 26th (although campus will be open - in case you need to go to the library or something, I know I'll need to). Anyone doing anything fun and exciting for break?!

This is a great time to relax and give yourself a break (and maybe possibly enjoy some fun Winter activities - ice skating at Campus Martius anyone?), but it's also a great time to be productive (see above image)! Halfway through the semester is a chance where you can evaluate where you are at, maybe work on getting ahead in your class work and also look into classes for the Fall. Yes, registration for Fall 2016 is on Tuesday, March 15th for Honors students! 

I know that seems kinda far away, but advising appointments may book up fast and thinking about it now and over break will help you when you meet with our awesome Honors advisors! As a commuter, I always wanted to see about what times classes I was interested in were at so I could start planning a schedule accordingly.

To set up your appointment, please go to this link: https://booknow.appointment-plus.com/6gy23etv/

I was so concerned with making sure I told all of you about registration, that I almost forgot to make an advising appointment for myself! Whoops. I always look at classes beforehand and get an idea for what I'm thinking but it is always good to get a second opinion and also make sure you are good with your Honors requirements too!

Also don't panic if you don't make an appointment until after break, we do hold a lot of group advising sessions or drop in advising! If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me and I'll get you in touch with someone or also call the Honors College at 734-487-0341.

Soar Higher!


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Be our Valentine! Join us for events next week!

Hello all Honors students and my fellow commuters,

I don't know about you but I have always thought Valentine's Day was cute. Granted kinda creepy, a man in a diaper shooting people with an arrow is the mascot.

The Honors College is celebrating the holiday in a few really awesome ways (unfortunately, not with the puppies above)!

On Wednesday, February 10th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. here in The Honors College will be an opportunity to make Valentine's Day cards, bracelets and keychains to donate to the Gilbert Residence Retirement Home! The really awesome thing about this event is it is being held with two other student organizations, Stoic Society and Circle K. This is a great way to learn about those groups  as well as spend time with fellow Honors students! Please RSVP here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/37WSMS6

You can also go with the groups to the Retirement Home from 2:00-3:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 14th! There will be a Valentine's Day party held there and they will be dropping off all of the things made from the Wednesday event! Help brighten up the day! That means this event has two parts and we would love to see you at both or one or the other!

The other event that we have been really excited about is Yoga! One of the first plans we had for the new building was to hold a free Yoga class for Honors students and prospective Honors students! Join us Friday, February 12th from 10:00-11:00 a.m. for a free Yoga class, mats provided. If you're driving out just to attend this awesome session, great news, our weekly Coffee hour is right after this event from 11:00-12:00! So stop in, do some yoga (it's seriously super fun) and then have a cup of coffee with your Honors friends!
RSVP here if you plan to attend: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FZGPWGB

We plan to do more Yoga sessions so keep your eyes peeled for those - also a great opportunity to check out our building if you haven't yet! As always, check out our calendar on the Honors websites to see what is going on the rest of the semester (like our annual lock-in next month) and check your email as well because sometimes we have new awesome events for you!

Soar Higher!

Kaylee (kbrow107@emich.edu)

P.S. Who else is LOVING this weather? Winter, what?