Home away from home

Home away from home

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Right around the corner

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to send a big thank you to everyone who came to the "Commuter Series" event last night! I know the wind was brutal so thank you to you all that braved it to come play some Jeopardy and talk about resources! It's so nice to see people find things in common and get to know each other! That's what this is all about! (Shout out to Stephanie for winning Jeopardy!)

Feel free to stop in the office and check out our commuter map or pick up some of the information that was left regarding tobacco issues on campus! If you have any questions about this, please contact Emily VanWormer at evanwor1@emich.edu .

As the semester is wrapping up, I just want you all to start thinking about next semester! (Obviously focus on your finals and papers first :b) If there's anything you'd like to see happen with this initiative or any suggestions to make the program better, feel free to comment on here or contact me personally! (kbrow107@emich.edu)

Have a nice Thanksgiving break and good luck on all your finals!



P.S Here are some memes about finals for a little laugh! 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Commuter Series Event: Right before Turkey day!

It's that time of year again.

The end of the semester is coming and with that comes papers and tests and possibly some added stress!

What also comes is a nice little break called Thanksgiving Recess! (and hopefully no snow *fingers crossed*)

Before you spend some time with your family being thankful, spend some time with us learning more about what is available to you, to help you succeed! This won't just be your boring lecture but a discussion based around you and your experiences!

Join us on Monday, November 24th from 5-7 p.m at the Commuter Series! This event will take place in Starkweather Hall! There will be breakout games, snacks and another chance to win a prize!

If you would like to attend or add any suggestions, please fill out this survey:

More information is also in your email! Get the discussion going on the blog because this is all about YOU!

Hope to see you there!


Tuesday, November 11, 2014


So we all remember everything they told us at orientation right?

Wrong. At least for me. Those days you are so bombarded with information that it's hard to keep everything straight and prioritize what you actually need to know. Being a commuter, you probably aren't on campus as often to familiarize yourself with every building or if you're like me, every parking lot.

Q: Did you know that the parking department will jump your car if the battery dies?

I didn't when my car died after accidentally leaving my lights on during Honors orientation so I made my poor boyfriend drive 40 minutes to come save me. As I'm telling one of my residential friends about my bad luck, she tells me about this service and I felt like I didn't know anything about campus! 

Q: Are you really hungry during your long days here because you don't want to purchase food and don't know what you'd do with food from home?

There's microwaves all over campus open to use! I also didn't know this when I would starve all day just to go home and binge after 9-5 classes my first semester!

 This is why we are having our next event, Commuter Series, featuring all the resources that are available on campus! With the winter semester coming up quickly, even more resources and tips are needed (unless some of us like those two hour morning drives :b). I invite you to post any tips you have found while being a student about winter driving, parking, anything you can think of! What have your experiences been, negative and positive, and what would you like to see changed for the future? I know you all have thoughts about this so please comment below :)

Anything discussed on here will be added to an information sheet for our upcoming event as well as possibly to be handed out at future orientations! Let's make all of our lives easier!

Thanks everyone,


My general tip for Winter semesters: Always wake up early enough to check the news for traffic/weather updates so you give yourself enough time to make it to class!