Home away from home

Home away from home

Friday, October 31, 2014

Choices, choices and more choices

Hello everyone!

As I'm sure most of you know, Tuesday starts registration for classes for the Winter semester! One of the lovely perks of being an Honors student is that you get to pick your classes before the rest but it's also a time of many decisions! Which Honors classes are you taking? Are you on track with your gen ed's? Is this the right major/minor combination for you? The questions go on and on.

Obviously there's numerous factors that go into choosing classes (like what sections are available), but I always find myself having the dilemma of which days I'd rather be on campus. Being a commuter means that you have to schedule everything in a very particular way to fit it all in. The past two semesters I had classes Monday and Wednesday, but now for the fellowship I am also on campus Tuesdays.

Is it just me or is there a lot more people on campus on Tuesday?! It seems so much harder to park, and I get here around 9! If you come around 11, like I did when I had that terrible but stereotypical "I'm late" moment, it seemed my only options were a pay lot or way behind the student center! What do you think?

After that I realized that I was glad to have classes MW, even though Monday is usually the most hated day of the week. (right?)

 Of course that means that all the classes I needed this upcoming semester landed on TH! So for the first time ever, I'm taking a 8:00 a.m class to, hopefully, beat the rush to campus! Does this mean that I'll have to leave my house at 5:00 when the roads are really bad? Gosh I hope not...but we do live in Michigan so only time will tell. It's definitely going to be different not having a bunch of classes back to back but it's good to get out of your comfort zone and make some change!

What days do you prefer classes on? Why? Comment below :)

P.S If you're on campus Wednesdays, keep an eye out for the Mockingjay tickets so you can see the early showing next month with the Honors College!

P.S.S We are going to be sending our RSVP survey for the Commuter Series soon!

Email me with any questions and please get the discussion going here! And here's a little something for Tuesday:




  1. I prefer having classes on Tuesday and Thursday. This leaves Monday open, and allows an opening during the week to focus on work and relaxation. Commuters in the Honors College try to find honors classes that work during their semester. I agree that a challenge comes when deciding classes during the winter semester. Is it worth scheduling early classes just to ensure a good parking spot? While we don't know what to expect this winter, I am a bit nervous with classes only two days a week. Only time will tell for all students; especially commuters.

  2. Thanks so much for commenting, Anthony!

    It is scary to think that this winter is supposed to be "worse" than last winter! Luckily, a lot of my professors were understanding last semester when I didn't come the whole first week because I was scared to drive! What I really need is a car with 4 x 4! :p
